Sunday, April 10, 2022

April 10 - Day 22 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

 I got up at 6 after a restless night.  Normal travel anxiety.  I went to breakfast at 6:15 and back to the cabin to get my carry-on.  At 7:10, I moved down to deck 3 to wait for my group (DDDD) to be called.  They called it at 7:45 and bu 8, I was on the bus to the airport.  The facial recognition used by immigration service is very nice.  Got to the airport at 8:20 for my flight at 5:25.  Security was a breeze.  Didn't have to remove shoes or electronics and I was in the departure terminal by 8:30.  The day long wait was a bit tiring and the seats in the terminal were not very comfortable.  Boarded the plane at at 4:50 (first class) and after takeoff, has a very good chicken salad meal with flat bread and hummus.  My driver was waiting at the baggage claim and as soon as my bags came out we went to the car and I got home at 9.  I really miss being on the ship already.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

April 9 - Day 21 - Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


I got up at 7 with calm seas and overcast skies.  I went to breakfast at 7:25 and while I was up there, it was raining a bit, fitting for weather for my last day aboard.  After breakfast, I went down to pick up the daily crossword and went back to the cabin to work it.  I packed a few more items and worked some more crosswords.  The sun finally broke through a little about 11.  I received my airline luggage tags and boarding pass so all I have to do is go through security and wait for my flight.  My luggage will leave tonight from the hall and show up in Dallas tomorrow night when I arrive.  This is very easy and only cost $25.  It never did get very sunny, so I stayed in and read until happy hour at 4. The sun finally came out fully as we sailed away.  I went to happy hour and visited with the lady I met last time I went to happy hour and her friends from Michigan and I had 2 margaritas.  I returned to the cabin to clean up for dinner and finish packing.  I went to dinner at 6:15 and had my last meal with Jeff, Ann and Cathy.  I said my goodbyes and went to the cabin to read since I have an early disembarkation tomorrow.

Friday, April 8, 2022

April 8 - Day 20 - At Sea

 I got up at 7 and went to breakfast at 7:40.  After breakfast, I went down and picked up the daily crossword and returned to the cabin to work it at 8:10.  I worked on the crossword, caught up on my email and then changed into some nicer clothes for the Mariners Recognition event at 10.  After the event, I talked with Cathy who had finally been freed from isolation.  I went back to the cabin at 10:50 and got about 95% of my packing done.  I worked crosswords and watched out for whales, but didn't spot any.  My laundry came back and I added it to the luggage.   Today was another very calm day at sea.  I dressed for my last gala night, however I have already packed my tux and with just wear a sport coat and slacks.  We ate at 6:15 and  had a nice dinner which we finished at 8:45.  I returned to the cabin to pack the coat, slacks and shirt.  I read until 10.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

April 7 - Day 19 - Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas



  I got up at 7:10 as we were docking.  I took some photos from the verandah and then went to breakfast at 7:40.  After breakfast,  I went down and picked up the daily crossword and returned to the cabin to work it.  I left the ship at 9:20 and walked around the shops in the port area for about an hour and took some photos.  It was pretty hot in the sun so I didn't last as long as I had intended.  I got back onboard about 10:40 and downloaded my photos. I worked crosswords and put together my last load of complementary laundry.  I got dressed early for dinner so that I could go up for the happy hour.  I went to the ocean bar and had two drinks for the price of one at 4;30.  We set sail at 4:55 and I returned to the cabin at 5:15.  At 6:15 I went to dinner with Jeff and Ann.  After dinner, I returned to the cabin to find an invitation to the Mariner Recognition Event tomorrow as one of the top Mariners onboard. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

April 6 - Day 18 - San Juan, Puerto Rico


 I got up at 6:50 and went to breakfast at 7:30.  After breakfast, I went down to drop off my Future Cruise Deposit form and pick up the daily crossword.  I returned to the cabin at 8:30 to work several crosswords and catch up on my news feeds.  At 11:30 as we got close to San Juan, it became a bit foggy with light rain but by 12, it was clearing up.  I watch the sail in from my verandah and took some photos.  My 2 1/2 hour tour at 1:45 is described as:

Puerto Rico, the Shining Star of the Caribbean, welcomes you with lovely panoramic views of the old and new city of San Juan.

Board air-conditioned transportation and enjoy a narrated drive through the Old Town.

Take advantage of the opportunity to stop and snap photos of a few of the historic landmarks built by the Spaniards between 1634 and 1771. These include San Cristobal and El Morro Fortresses. Leaving the colonial city, you'll continue to New San Juan -- the modern city -- for a short stop at a beautiful beach. Enjoy a short stroll to add to your collection a few more memorable pictures of the island.

I went to the terminal at 1:30 and there was already a long line of people for the tour.  As it turned out, I was at the cut off point for the first bus and therefore first on the second bus so I got a pretty good seat by the window.  I ended up sharing the bench with a large man from L.A.  Everything was going great until the first 10 minute stop for photos.  One woman was about 5 late to get on the bus and then at the next stop, she was late again.  Some of the women were giving her grief when she gave them the bird.  Well this escalated to the point at the next stop, she decided to leave the tour.  She was with her mother, who became distraught and was also going to leave the tour when the guide and bus driver decided to drop her off at the terminal before continuing on the rest of the tour.  Anyway, the guide was great and we learned a lot of the history of San Juan.   The tour ended up lasting about 3 hours with the detour and I got back on the ship at 5.  Jeff and Ann had already decided not to eat in the dining room, so I ate up in the Lido and returned to the cabin to update the blog.   We don't leave until 11 but I will post this much before we leave.