Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 115 - April 30 – Ft. Lauderdale to DFW to home

Our wake up call was at 7:30, but the disembarkation announcements began at 7:15.  We ordered our last large pot of coffee for the room and dressed.  It was 73 degrees under cloudy skies with mist.  We were group 1 Grey with an estimated call time of 9:45 – !0:30.  Our call came at 9:35 and after claiming our luggage and clearing customs and immigrations, dropping off our 7 shipped bags at the FEDEX truck and boarding the airport shuttle bus, we arrived at the airport at 10:55.  We could not check our bags for our 6:40 flight until 2:40 but they  put us on standby for the noon flight and that let us check our bags and go through security.  We did manage to get on the noon flight and arrived at DFW at 2:20.  After getting out checked bags our driver got us home at 3:40.  I started going through the mail to eliminate the junk mail and glance at the more important stuff.  Glenda had a jury summons for Tuesday the 5th.  I started gathering all the income tax forms despite having a racking cough for the last few days.  It will probably take a week to get everything back in order.