Sunday, August 15, 2010

Vacation In Mexico

We spent 3 glorious weeks on the beach in Mexico and had great weather in the high 80's and low 90's. It only rained 3 times and only one of those times did it last very long. The first week I celebrated my 68th birthday and got plates decorated with birthday greetings and with slabs of delicious cake 2 times that Friday. The second week I tried my hand at pool volleyball. On the 2nd day of play, I noticed this small red spot on my right forearm and assumed I missed it with the sunscreen. The next day it was a bit larger and sort of purple. By the 4th day, my whole forearm from wrist to elbow was a purple/red and a guest who had been a paramedic for 12 years looked at it and said that I apparently tore a small blood vessel in my arm. He said that it appeared to be healing but if I had any increased pain or numbness that I should seek medical attention. I continued to play for the next few days until I managed to do the same thing to my left arm. At this point I placed myself on injured reserve and was assured that the remainder of my contract would be honored. It continued to get better during the rest of the stay and is almost completely gone now that we are home. I did manage to get one of my better tans and Glenda was so dark, I worried that they would insist that she should have had a Mexican passport. I did keep my arms down at the airport, so that she didn't get accused of elder abuse. We met lots of friendly people while we were there. Friends from Minnesota whom we had not seen in 4 years came the first week for 5 nights and we got all caught up on family happenings. Another couple from Houston who we met there last September came in the last 3 days.